Participants needed for an OISE-based study on self-advocacy skills during transition to high school, for Grade 9 students with LDs and their parents

Request for Grade 9 Research Participants

Project Title: Knowledge, Perceptions, and Practice of Self-Advocacy in Grade 9 Students with Learning Disabilities: A Case Study of the High School Transition Experience

Diane de Vos is a graduate student in the School Psychology Program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education who is conducting a research study as part of the requirements for her Doctoral degree. This study has received ethical approval from the University of Toronto.

Diane is recruiting English-speaking Grade 9 students with a diagnosis of a Learning Disability (LD), and one respective parent, for a study concerning self-advocacy skills during the transition to high school. The study will explore the factors and challenges that affect self-advocacy, in order to help inform school practices that support high school preparation for students with LD.

Participation is voluntary and confidential. If you decide to participate, each student and parent will be asked to separately take part in one 60-minute online session. The session will consist of an interview, and the completion of a questionnaire and survey that focus on self-advocacy. The session will be confidential, and all responses will be anonymous.

As compensation for participating, each Student-Parent ‘team’ will receive access to a selfadvocacy workshop offered by the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO)

If you are:

  • English-speaking
  • Currently a student in Grade 9 in Ontario
  • Have a diagnosis of a Learning Disability
  • Have an interested parent who can also participate

And are interested in participating, please contact:
Principal Investigator: Diane de Vos, MA

Graduate Student School Psychology EdD Program
Applied Psychology and Human Development
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

Phone: 905-449-1533