There are a good number of organisations and professionals who can help with any of the issues related to LDs and ADHD. This page’s headings link to information about these. If you know of others you’d like to recommend we include, please contact us at and let us know.
If you are new to the idea, or the diagnosis, of learning disabilities, we recommend that you connect with other people, whether it be professionals, a support group, or an online community. Having other perspectives is valuable, and a support organisation can make all the difference for you and your loved ones.
LDAO’s local chapters are a fantastic place to start!
There are Chapters in 20 communities across Ontario, and all offer valuable programs and services. To learn more about what the chapters offer, please follow this link.
The LDAO is a provincial organization, and does not provide direct services. To learn about the LDAO’s role, please follow this link.
Programs and Services
Follow this link to find lists of some programs and services available to individuals and families around Ontario:
Following this link will open a page describing the roles of different helping professionals you may encounter.
Online Help
This section lists all of the websites and online resources (videos, e-books, etc) which we are aware of and recommend.