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Advanced Executive Functioning and LDs / ADHD – Toronto

This workshop will provide a brief review and builds on the information covered in the Introduction to Executive Functioning and Emotion Regulation workshop This workshop will offer additional strategies to help support children and youth at home or school.

Survey about ADHD in the school system

The Centre for ADHD Advocacy Canada (CADDAC) is conducting a survey of parents and others across Canada, on education experiences of students with ADHD in the school system. Anyone interested can access the survey at Education Survey or share education experiences at advocacy@caddac.ca.

The Impact of ADHD on the Child, Parents, Siblings and the Family as a Whole – Webinar

Parents whose child has been diagnosed with ADHD commonly transition through emotional stages while working their way to acceptance of the disorder. Parents and caregivers as well as those who work with families dealing with ADHD can benefit greatly if they know what these stages look like. How ADHD impacts the individual child with ADHD and other family members will be reviewed as well as what research tells us about how ADHD can impact family functioning as a whole. The

ADHD and Mental Health – Guelph

ADHD can be a difficult thing to understand. There are four main differences in someone with an “ADHD brain”. Join speaker Lauren Stein, who has ADHD herself, learn more about ADHD, and find strategies and accommodations that are a good fit for your child or client. Also learn how anxiety and depression, two mental health conditions, are often linked with ADHD, and ways to address them. Come with lots of questions together help de-stigmatize and find strategies for ADHD and

November – ADHD and Mental Health – Guelph

There are many strategies available to assist in coping with Mental Health in your family. The Guelph ADHD & Asperger's Centre will be hosting this event and sharing their wealth of knowledge on this topic. Ticket price:CA$10 – CA$15 Community Living Guelph, 8 Royal Road, Guelph Click Here to Register!

ADHD Parent Readiness Education Program – Toronto

ADHD PREP is a comprehensive 12 hour program geared to parents of newly diagnosed children and adolescents with ADHD, and parents wishing to upgrade their knowledge on the more complex aspects of ADHD including ADHD and learning, executive functioning and self and mood regulation. Treatment options, parenting strategies and school advocacy will also be covered. For more information click Here Cost: $150 per person /$280 per couple  

Teaching Social Skills to Students with ADHD & LDs (Mississauga)

Presented by LDAPR: Learning Disabilities Association of Peel Region This workshop will cover the importance of teaching social skills to students with ADHD and LDs, and how to go about promoting the healthy social development of children with ADHD and LDs. Plus, bring your kids to participate in fun planned activities while you attend the workshop!

Connected Parenting Strategies as it pertains to LD/ADHD (Aurora)

An Evening on Understanding Strategies to Connect with our Children living with Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Presented By: Jennifer Kolari from Connected Parenting A workshop on how to use the tools that therapists implement to help children develop the emotional and neurological hardware they need to deal with whatever life throws at them! As the author of Connected Parenting, Jennifer will discuss her CALM technique which helps to de-escalate behaviour while building trust and increasing emotional resilience

ADHD Treatment (Webinar)

Myths and hype regarding ADHD treatment and management, often leads to confusion. This presentation will help clarify what the evidence says, what the guidelines teach, what tools to use, and what families and individuals with ADHD need to know to improve overall quality of life. To Register Click HERE   Cost $10 (free for members)

World Congress ADHD Family Day (Vancouver)

Join us Sunday April 23rd, 2017 at the Vancouver Convention Centre East to learn about ADHD from world renowned experts! This day of presentations is geared to parents, adults with ADHD and their families, educators, and allied medical professionals. Featured Speaker: Dr. Thomas Brown Director Brown Clinic for Attention & Related Disorders, Hamden, CT, Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California Dr. Sandra Kooij Psychiatrist at PsyQ,