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ADHD and Marijuana – Webinar

by Dr. Michael Allan, Psychologist in Private Practice. This webinar will provide information about the relationship between ADHD and Marijuana [THC] and what we know about the safety and concerns with Marijuana.  This presentation will present the most recent science evidence.

Understanding ADHD’s Impact on Adult Relationships – Webinar

ADHD can be a significant factor in a variety of relationship problems. However, when those within the relationship understand how ADHD plays a role in the relationship misinterpreted motives and hurt feelings can be mitigated. Find out what to do, what not to do and how to use your new understanding of ADHD to improve your relationship. Cost $10 (free for members)

St. Catharines – ADHD Community Workshop: Understanding ADHD in the home and at school

This workshop is geared to Parents and Educators, Adults and Adolescents with ADHD, and their families, Health and Medical Professionals Topics: Executive Functioning and ADHD: Keeping the Balls in the Air Self-Regulation and ADHD: From Chaos to Smoother Sailing ADHD Goes to School ADDventures at Home Adult ADHD and the Family Transitioning from childhood ADHD into adolescence and beyond: What Parents need to know PRESENTERS: Dr. Megan Smith, Ph.D. in Child Clinical and School Psychology, has worked with diverse client populations

Webinar: ADHD and Psychoeducational Assessments – What they can and cannot tell us about students with ADHD

Cost: $10, (free for members) This workshop will outline problems that occur when we solely rely on psycho-educational reports to develop learning profiles and individual education plans for students with ADHD. Psycho-educational testing, while helpful in ruling in or out specific learning disabilities, are not comprehensive or accurate when assessing for learning and self-regulation impairments caused by ADHD. New CADDAC tools that have been developed to assist in the documentation of ADHD impairments in the education environment will be presented.

CADDAC – 10th Annual ADHD Conference (Halifax)

The conference is geared to parents of children with ADHD, adults with ADHD and their families, educators and the medical community.

Non-medication and Medication Interventions for ADHD (Guelph)

ADHD is a complex disorder that affects every person differently. The decision to ‘medicate’ or ‘not medicate’ is a big one, and there are usually strong opinions and arguments on both sides. But non-medical interventions are also available – strategies to cope with inattention and focus difficulties. Come to an engaging workshop to learn more and about both options – from a medical expert who understands attention difficulties on a personal level.

ADHD Workshop: Adolescence through Adulthood – Toronto

A Full Day of Presentations Geared to Adolescents, their Parents, Adults, their Families and Medical Professionals Featured Presenter: Robert M. Tudisco – Understanding ADHD from Adolescence through Adulthood: a view from the inside (morning session) Robert Tudisco is a practicing attorney, nationally recognized author and motivational speaker.  He is also an adult diagnosed with ADHD.  Robert is a former member of the national board of directors of CHADD, ADDA, and was the Executive Director of the Edge Foundation, a nonprofit

Read about the results of recent studies of the ADHD brains in our Research section

Transitioning from Childhood ADHD Into Adolescent ADHD: What Parents Need To Know – Webinar

When children enter adolescence additional parenting challenges are expected. However, when children have ADHD their symptoms and impairments make things even more challenging. This presentation will cover topics such as increased academic challenges, driving, relationships, sex and unwanted pregnancies, smoking, alcohol, pot, stimulant medication and other substance abuse, continuing issues with emotional regulation, and challenges in transitioning into the adult health care system. $10 for non-members Free for members Register HERE

Adult ADHD and Substance Use Disorders – Dr. David Teplin – Webinar

This webinar addresses the commonly observed overlap between Adult ADHD and Substance Use Disorders. While each are independent disorders, there are several factors involved as to why there exists such high overlap rates, both in ADHD clinical settings, as well as in addiction treatment settings. Some emphasis will also be placed on the issues of assessment, diagnosis and treatment, including the notion of an integrated treatment approach.