/ADHD Adolescent and Adult Workshop (Toronto)
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This informative and interactive workshop will focus on understanding your individual ADHD and discovering how your symptoms may lead to impairments in the home and workplace. A good portion of the day will be spent looking at useful strategies, tools and accommodations that may be helpful. The workshop is aimed at adults and adolescents with ADHD, their parents and families.

Featured Presenter: Dr. Umesh Jain F.R.C.P.(C)

Dr. Umesh Jain did his medical school and Residency between Dalhousie University and the University of Pittsburgh, his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto and Masters of Education from the Ontario Institutes for Studies in Education. He is an internationally known speaker, advocate and researcher in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and created the Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA), and wrote the first guidelines for Canada (as he is now doing for other countries). He has done considerable genetic, psychopharmacological, forensics and personality disorder research and has communicated his findings in peer reviewed journals, to the public and to mental health stakeholders (including pharmacists, psychologists, social workers and educators). He has been involved in the Canadian Academies of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry on their Scientific Committees and he has been given recognition awards from those institutions.

Cost: $30 each or $50 for two

Refreshments: Will be served during registration and at both breaks. Several lunch options are close by, but you may also bring your lunch with you if you wish

To find out more about this workshop and to register please click HERE